A New Direction

Hello friends, family, acquaintances. You might or might not have heard the good news recently that I’m starting my own business. As of today, February 11, 2010, the Texas Secretary of State recognized Parham Solutions, LLC, as a new business entity ready to do business in the great state of Texas. I’m sure you’re wondering what kind of new business I might be doing. No, it is not architecture, although I will continue my small hourly services to pay bills until the new endeavour is fully off and running. I’m getting into Real Estate. This county’s housing market is in an absolute mess, and there simply isn’t enough government help or investors to help fix it. I’m not going to real estate school nor do I plan to become a licensed realtor. On the contrary. These modes of conventional wisdom limit creativity and profit potential, not to mention the ability to help more people and help them in more beneficial ways. I have the utmost respect for realtors and their skills will be critical in my success, it’s just not quite what I’m shooting for.

Parham Solutions, LLC will set forth to help individuals facing foreclosure or having any other real estate related problem. Zig Ziglar once said “Help enough people get what they want, and you can have anything you want” My goal is to help people first. Then and only then can I be rewarded for my efforts. In addition to the fulfillment that comes with helping others, the pay can be very,very handsome. Hard work is important, but no so much as initiative and smart work.  Passion.  I’ve long thought real estate would be my ticket to independence, I’ve just never acted on that hunch, until now.

I used to think I was sitting pretty comfy at $40/hr, but mark my word, there will come a day when my time is worth $1000/hr, and perhaps even greater. Of course, I won’t be working 40 hours a week nor every week of the year. I still reckon that will build some nice wealth. I’m not the kind of guy to wipe my butt with $100 bills though. I like to share the love. A lot of friends and family could definitely use the help in these lean times. What about the people of Haiti? The third world countries all around the globe? The overburdened animal shelters? The homeless right here in Austin? They could all use a hand. It’s a win win win situation. Help families in foreclusure, help banks avoid having to call the sheriff, earn a living, help others. You will never see me in a Hummer or Porsche. A 6,000 sq ft house with Travertine floors and gold leaf trim? No way. Cozy cabin on 10 acres of Texas or Colorado land, that’s more like it. And you might see me in a Subaru Outback or an off-the-shelf Chevy Silverado 4X4 to get out to said cabin, but nothing more. Toys don’t buy happiness, but freedom does. I dream of visiting every national park in the country, every major city, doing more cool bike races across the nation, and even the world.

There will be naysayers. People who will say it can’t be done. People will ask “If it’s so easy, why doesn’t everyone else do it?” It’s no wonder people like this are stuck behind a desk or some other job they don’t like their entire lives just making endsmeat. You gotta think big. You gotta think for yourself. You gotta take action now. Consider this my invitation to become part of my network. I am currently seeking out Austin realtors, especially ones who deal with REO properties or have clients that are overfinanced/upside down/etc. on their mortgages and are trying to sell. Even better if they have 2nd or 3rd mortgages. I’m not actively seeking out hard money lenders or investor partners yet, but there will come a time when such services are needed. If you are interested in seeing handsome returns on your investment, to the tune of 10-18% secured by the property itself, give me a ring. The government will even let you use IRA roth funds for investments! Put that tax free lazy money to work making more tax free money.

Any-who, that concludes the good news for now. It is very exciting times for me. I’ve been studying diligently and preparing for all the new things to come. Stay tuned for even more exciting news to come in the following week. Cheers,

4 thoughts on “A New Direction”

  1. I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  2. Hey Caveman came across your blog when searching for Paleo + Performance + How Strict?

    I’ve made the switch to Paleo and was wondering in your experience if you’ve noticed a difference in your performance if you’re not 100% compliant.

    In a typical week I will have 2 1/2 glasses of red wine and average about a cup or 2 of black coffee per day.

    I’m about a month in and have not noticed anything really different performance wise (i am leaner though about – 6lbs). I’m actually pretty drained in my harder workouts and light headed. Everyone says to stick with it and gut through this period. Just curious what your thoughts are?

    Thanks I’ll be checking in on the blog and reading your other posts – AP

    1. Hi Andy,
      I start to notice a difference when I’m less than 80% compliant. For instance, I might eat a burger on monday and then drink a soda and eat some candy on Tuesday. 2 out 7 days (in a row at that) I have strayed from the diet. I might be tricking my body into thinking I’m going to start eating a lot of high glycemic foods again so if i workout tuesday evening it might switch to carb burn instead of fat burn mode. This isn’t how it really works and there are other variables, but for simplicity’s sake lets say that’s kinda what happens. A burger and a soda in two days probably still keeps me above 80% compliance though. As long as I don’t do that for a week I still feel like I’m in paleo mode. That little wine shouldn’t hurt you, i don’t think a cup or two of coffee would hurt either, AS LONG as you don’t use it as a crutch and it’s not like a super grande starbucks cup. I can just about promise you that if you’ve been doing the diet for over a month and are feeling drained after “harder” workouts, you aren’t working out correctly. Sounds like you might be doing chronic cardio workouts (sustained efforts above 75% max heart rate for over an hour). The paleo diet doesn’t support this kind of exercise, and your body wasn’t really built for this kind of laborious suffering either. If you are doing workouts like this, I recommend taking a look at my primal fitness page as well and re-evaluating your fitness goals. Maybe shoot me a line back describing your current workouts and goals and I could make some further recommendations. Thanks for stopping in!

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