It was a year ago last night that I suffered one of the biggest defeats in my life. Colleen and I took to the Peter Pan putt putt course for one of our first dates. I fought hard and valiantly, but a few 5 and 6 putt holes would ultimately be my demise. I think I might have still been in a race hangover from the 24 hour race in Tucson, but people who really want to get something done find a way, others just find excuses. I guess on that balmy day Feb 19, 2008, I was just one of those “other” people. Little did Colleen know that I would be taking her on a surprise date last night to revisit that hallowed battleground to commemorate the historic struggle, and that this time, I was not going down. I would have to find a way to get ‘er done, no matter the cost and casualty of war. My first shot was a hole in one, to her 3. I was driving the point home early, and I think the intimidation got to her
, for I steadily built an insurmountable lead to take the East course 52-59. It was on to the more difficult West course for 18 more shots of glorious battle. This course favored her skills a bit more with a “hit the crap out of the ball and hope it lands somewhere good” approach as opposed to my finesse and precision targeting ability because of the subtle slopes and course inconsistencies (i.e. poor craftsmanship, dilapidated materials). Nonetheless, when I was down 3 shots at hole 9, I pulled myself together for the comeback victory of a lifetime. By the last hole, I had tied it up. The stakes were high as we shook hands as a matter of respect for each putt putt warrior. She saw me curse her purple ball with bad ju-ju around hole 14, but I don’t think she took it to heart like she should have. She went first, no hole in one for her. Then I went, same outcome. Her second shot failed. Mine did not. Victory was mine!! She was left completely demoralized trying to sink her 3rd and eventual final 4th shot while I did a victory dance around the course and basked in the glory of my revenge. Final score for the west course 54-57.
Better luck next time, babe. But don’t count on it. I will become a master dark overlord of putt putt and become more powerful than you can ever fathom!
Hey, I was just checking this site out and I thought it was pretty good. A lot of accurate information. I started something like it myself but it’s more of a user participation thing. I put it at It’s less technical and more about what visitors have done to get back into the swing of things.
Wait, Wait, Wait!!! What about that 15 yard penalty for excessive celebration? And cursing my ball…please. You can also not point to your 24hr race lethargy for last year’s defeat since I had just done a marathon of my own.
I’ll be sneaking off to practice over the next few months for our next battle of the putts!